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IDENTIFIED Series Part 3 | His Grace in Christ Jesús

Before our relationship with Christ, God loved and made provisions for us not because we deserved it but because of His Grace. This Grace has given us definite benefits. Join us as we examine Ephesians 2:1-10 with the subject, His Grace In Christ Jesus. través de la oración que nuestro corazón tiene ojos espirituales para ver.

IDENTIFIED Series Part 3 | Generous Beyond Measure

God’s generosity is designed to open the eyes of our heart so we see the floodgates from heaven open as He pours out His blessings on us. It is through prayer our heart has spiritual eyes to see.

IDENTIFIED Series Part 2 | Spiritual Blessings

The message of Ephesians 1:3-14 is how God predestined the world to be a place for all humanity to receive His love. Once man’s free will got involved, sin caused a disruption with evil distracting many of us from this love. This week we’ll turn our attention to God’s love learning how much we mean to Him. 

IDENTIFIED | Finding Your Identity in Christ Part 1

Sunday begins an 8 Week Series about how we IDENTIFY. This is a big topic in today’s culture and the importance of knowing who you are, and what your purpose is, are questions we’ve been asking since the beginning of time.

What is Your Perspective | Matthew 16:13-17

During Jesus’ earthly ministry the crowds often disputed who He was. Jesus was more interested in who His disciples thought He was and this question is one we will all have to answer; Who do you say Jesus is?

How He Loves | Resurrection Sunday 2024

Time stood still, everyone held their breath as the nights passed, and then on the morning of the third day the Tomb was empty. The angel announced Jesus was alive, He had risen! It’s history’s greatest day, let’s celebrate How He Loves us.

Good Friday Night of Worship 2024

With reverence and humility we’ll enter into the Lord’s holy Presence in worship to remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. We know His promise; to forgive our sin and save our soul.

The Good Shepherd | John 10:1-16

Jesus taught He is the Good Shepherd and would lay down His life for His sheep. He also testified His Heavenly Father gave Him power over death. Bold claims which were all true.

Water of the Spirit | Jesus Heals a Paralytic

Did you know Jesus is especially attracted to the most miserable? This week we find a weak, sick, suffering, frail, paralytic man who desperately needs help physically and spiritually. Come see how Jesus’ compassion shines through the darkness!

Because You Said So | Luke 5:1-6

Have you ever wondered why God’s will and commands are so difficult to follow? We often want to know the outcome before we act. As Jesus taught in front of the first disciples, they quickly learned the power of God’s Word by responding with step of faith in obedience without hesitation.

The Leper's Lesson | Luke 17:11-19

In a small village on the way from Galilee to Jerusalem, ten Lepers stood atop a hill and called to Jesus for help. He stopped and with compassion many were healed miraculously, but only one was saved.

I AM THE LIGHT | Jesus Heals a Blind Man

This is graphic and dramatic; Jesus demonstrates miraculous power by granting a blind man sight, however, something even greater happens as evidenced by a display of courage, spiritual insight and gratitude.

Do Not Fear | 2 Timothy 1:7

Fear is a natural, powerful, and primitive human emotion. It can also keep you from experiencing God’s best. The Bible warns fear is not a spirit from God. Join us as we learn what God’s Word says in the sermon Do not Fear!

Finding the Real Jesus | The Woman at the Well

Where and when can we find the real Jesus? Is it in a crowd, a small group or when we are alone and isolated – each could be the right answer. The common thread is if we want to be found. The woman at the well recognized the divine appointment.

The Power of Grace | The Woman Caught in Adultery

Have you ever heard a bible story described as an action-drama-thriller? This week we’ve got conspiracy, entrapment, adultery and attempted murder. If that doesn’t do it, let’s throw in a little supernatural grace.

Finding the Real Jesus | The Woman at the Well

Where and when can we find the real Jesus? Is it in a crowd, a small group or when we are alone and isolated – each could be the right answer. The common thread is if we want to be found. The woman at the well recognized the divine appointment.

Spiritual Cover | What Condition is Your Roof?

Since our bodies are a temple for the Holy Spirit, the roof of the temple represents the Lord’s spiritual coverage over our life. How is the condition of your roof? Find out how to make the repairs necessary so the roof is secure when a storm comes your way.

Moving Beyond Distractions

We all know those famous words from the Lord’s prayer; “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us….” Why then as Christ calls do we go off course? The distractions of this world often keep us from the glory of God’s will. 2024 is the year to focus on Jesus.

The Impossible Prayer | 1st Service of 2024

We can all challenged and exhausted by the impossible sometimes, however, with God nothing will be impossible (Luke 1:37). Join us for our “Prayer & Petition” 1st Service of 2024 as we surrender our impossible prayers to the God of possible.

Better Than Good | 2 Samuel 7:1-11

We hope everyone’s desire is take what was good from the past year and make it something even better in 2024. If you’ve decided to do something good for the Lord, let’s make sure it’s in keeping with God’s will.

A Call to Worship | Christmas Eve Service

The Christmas story has the birth of Jesus as it’s centerpiece, however, there is a common theme calling us all to Worship. As we celebrate the birth of the world’s Savior, please join us to praise, give thanks, reverence, glorify and worship the One True King.

Just the Right Time | Galatians 4:4-7

It’s been said, “God is seldom early but He is never late.” As we examine the virgin birth of Jesus, it’s fair to ask, why did God do it then? With the help of Scripture, we’ll uncover why God did this at Just the Right Time, and why He will be on time for you too.

The Holy Spirit Speaks | Assessing God's Value: Part 2

In Part 2 of our series, we’ll ask the Holy Spirit to speak and bring understanding of what it means to have a reverent and obedient fear of the Lord, like Jesus did.

Be Still & Know I AM GOD | Assessing God's Value Part 1

In this two part series, we’ll examine how you assess God’s value. Is He good, is He all powerful, is He just and righteous? If He is those things, how do you value your relationship with Christ?

He Came Back for the One | John 20:26-28

Have you ever felt like you missed a God appointment because of your words or actions? The Apostle Thomas felt that way. But, this coming Sunday we’ll see Jesus’ love because He came back for the one.

Go Make Disciples | The Gospel of Matthew 28:1-20

It is the season to be thankful and we can’t thank God enough for the resurrected Jesus. When Jesus rose from the dead, His return was centered on one very important message. It’s time to learn what Jesus really meant when He said, “Go Make Disciples”

The Transformation | The Spirit of Giving

We’re told as Christians we are a new creation in Christ. A metamorphosis has occurred, or transformation, with God’s supernatural power at work within those who belong to Jesus and now have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them.

Dead & Buried | The Gospel of Matthew 27:57-66

The Spirit of Christ left at His last breath, but there was still the body of Jesus and burial which had great significance. A sequence of unprecedented steps occurred as we meet Joseph of Arimathea, Pontius Pilate, the Mary’s and Jesus remain central to this time of His Death & Burial.

Take It: It's Already Paid For | Matthew 27:50-540

The price was high, beyond comprehension, but the provision of the Blood shed on Calvary through Jesus’ death on the Cross was an investment that keeps bringing an eternal return.

The Last Breath | The Gospel of Matthew 27:45-56

His body was bloody, beaten and nailed to a cross. The agony and suffering are unimaginable, but through it all, Jesus remained focused on His ultimate purpose, to be the Savior for all mankind.

The Weight of the Cross | The Gospel of Matthew 27:27-44

God is always purposeful, therefore, when Simon of Cyrene was picked out of the crowd to carry the cross for a portion of Jesus’ travail to Golgotha, there was an important message there for you and me.

The Verdict is In | The Gospel of Matthew 27:11-26

The Governor, a criminal insurrectionist, the executioners, an angry mob and Jesus. Innocent or guilty, the verdict is about to be delivered and you’ll never believe who is set free.

The Tale of Two Confessions | The Gospel of Matthew 26:69-27:10

Confession is good for the soul is actually an old Scottish proverb—a piece of advice for people to come clean regarding anything they are guilty of in order to feel better about themselves.

Use Me Like You Did The Bread

Every culture throughout history has had its own unique bread, including God. He gave us Jesus, the Bread of Life! You are a unique and distinctive type of bread made to represent Him.

Death for the Truth

The High Priest Caiaphas declared it better for one man to die for the people. Now Jesus was on trial before him, accused by false witnesses. Under oath by the living God, Jesus is asked if He is the Christ, the Son of God.

Betrayed With a Kiss | The Gospel of Matthew 26:47-56

A brotherly kiss expresses love and friendship, but tonight it turned into betrayal. Judas chose evil and caused a crucifixion that changed the world. Jesus’ divine power is also shown when he miraculously restores an ear severed by Peter’s sword.

When the Dark Night Comes | The Gospel of Matthew 26:31-46

As the crucifixion draws near, darkness begins to cast it shadow. Jesus prophesies they’ll all abandon Him, and even with their denial, it begins to happen as Peter, James and John can’t stay awake in the night while Jesus prays in the Garden.

A Meal to Remember | The Gospel of Matthew 26:17-30

Everyone has an unforgettable meal, whether romantic or celebratory, the people, place and yes, even the food etches an indelible mark which form an integral part of who we are today. For Christian’s, the Last Supper sits atop the list.

A Plot Kill The King | The Assassination Plan

When does evil grow to plot the death of another person? You don’t have to look any further than the human heart. Jesus’ last days before the cross are dangerously near and the religious leaders hatred for Him is about to be exposed.

The Final Judgment - The Parable of the Sheep & the Goats

On this final and wonderful last day of Jesus ministry prior to His crucifixion we finish with a incredible picture of universal judgment. God is love, but He is also just and it is without hesitation or regret we can all hear the whole truth.

Become More Intentional | Elder Norton Burt, Jr. | Hebrews 12:1-2.

Intentional means to be done on purpose; deliberate. Jesus intentionally allowed himself to be battered, bruised and beaten. He intentionally shed His blood so we could be saved and intentionally rose on the third day to display His power in heaven and on earth. are today. For Christian’s, the Last Supper sits atop the list.

Trust Reigns Supreme - The Parable of the Talents | Taking Back the Rainbow

In this Parable of the Talents, Jesus challenges His listeners to discern which person did the best with what their boss trusted to their care. Are the talents a gift or test? The Lord has given Talents to us all, will you be ready to give an account when asked?

Don't Touch My Oil - The Parable of the Ten Virgins | Taking Back the Rainbow Part VII

In the Parable of In the Parable of the Ten Virgins our Lord is speaking to those sitting in the pews. Some are wise and some are foolish. When Jesus comes, you don’t want to be foolish and left without any oil.

Reward the Faithful | Taking Back the Rainbow Part VI

Jesus speaks this week about something we all like very much, being rewarded for doing good. Not just in heaven, but here on earth too. We all like rewards and there is none greater at this than our Lord. Come see what God has in store for you.

The Master's Visit | Taking Back the Rainbow Part 5 | Matthew 24:36-44

We all hold a fascination with future events and the disciples aren’t exempt, they want to know when Jesus will return. Intrigue abounds this week as we’re told to be ready for it will happen when we least expect it.

The Greatest Commandment | The Gospel of Matthew 22:34-40

Jesus tells how our love for God and neighbor must be sincere. It’s simple,but not easy, and there is a deep spiritual issue for some that may be blocking our ability to love.

Stay Patient | God is Always on Time

Are you waiting for God’s promise to be realized? Don’t grow impatient when change doesn’t happen as quickly as you would like. Don’t stress, our God is always on time.

God's Victorious Plan | Easter Sunday

Resurrection Sunday is the pinnacle for every Christian, and the fulfillment of God’s Victorious Plan. Bring family & friends to hear a special Gospel message about God’s love everyone can understand.

Resurrection Deniers

As Jesus disposed each group that opposed him, another came. Now it’s the Sadducees, physicists of their time, who had little patience for spiritual things like angels or the afterlife. Jesus explains the Power of God and everyone is astonished!

God & Government

The last two days of Jesus’ final week climax with intensity, betrayal, arrest, torture, and crucifixion. Just prior though, the religious leaders confront, challenge, and try to trap Him. Once again, Christ confounds them, and us, with His wisdom.

The Parable of The Wedding Banquet

How will you respond to God’s invitation to His Kingdom? For a third time Jesus extends this invitation with a parable. He is speaking to us all. How did you reply?

The Parabole of The Vineyard

The kingdom of heaven is a gift from God. Jesus uses a parable to explain the danger of rejecting such a gift, even though the owner of the vineyard (God) patiently waits as the tenants reject and mistreat messenger after messenger – until they kill his son!

A Change Within

No matter how beautiful the garden, if it’s neglected, weeds will overtake it. God’s vineyard always has work to be done. What will be remembered of your response when the Lord calls? Find some direction on this message.

Questioning Jesus' Authority
A gradually increasing conflict has grown to a level of critical intensity. The religious leaders confront Jesus teaching in the Temple Court, asking where His authority comes from – but Jesus has a question for them first.
Figs, Faith & Forgiveness

When you think of a miracle, what comes to mind? Supernatural, divine, astounding and merciful are all common threads, but this week we’ll see Jesus amaze the disciples with supernatural power absent of mercy.

Cleansed By Christ

Jesus overturned the money changers tables in the temple court validating His authority as the one true king. Then, after His cleansing judgement, He compassionately healed the blind and lame. We’ll see how this physical lesson applies to our spiritual life.

Sent By Jesus

Jesus sent two disciples on a very important mission. All four Gospels report their success, but we don’t know their names. Recognition can have a profoundly positive effect so why didn’t Jesus reveal their identity? Let the Spirit unfold the mystery for you.

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